Bridge general view

Plan view


View from below with negative arch working in tension

The plates are assembled together with vertical posts

The vertical posts together with horizontal plates form a truss box立柱与水平板共同构成箱桁.
The shape of the plates are designed according to the bending moment shape in the deck (the following image shows a simplified example)桥面形状根据其弯矩图进行设计 (简图如下所示) :

It is inspired by the steel structure of XIXth century, where the plates are accumulated and connected with rivets, following the forces density设计灵感来自19世纪钢结构中力密度钢板由铆钉连接 :

Typical section of a steel beam with a reinforced flange, built as an accumulation of plates带加强翼的钢梁标准断面构成面 :

Calculation model

Stresses in the steel plates

Axial force in the arch
Some diagonals are used where the shear force between plates is very important板间有剪力的地方使用斜杆 :